That's Why God Made The Radio - The Beach Boys Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de That's Why God Made The Radio de The Beach Boys

That's Why God Made The Radio est une chanson de l'album That's Why God Made The Radio de The Beach Boys sorti en 2012.
Les paroles sont présentes depuis avril 2012.

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Vous pouvez regarder le clip de The Beach Boys avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Tuning in the latest star
From the dashboard of my car
Cruisin' at 7, push button heaven
Capturing memories from afar
In my car

That's why god made the radio
So tune right in everywhere you go
He waved his hand, gave us rock'n'roll
The soundtrack of falling in love
(fallin' in love, oh)
That's why god made the radio

Feel the music in the air
Find a song to take us there
It's paradise when I
Lift up my antenna
Receiving your signal like a prayer
Like a prayer

That's why god made the radio
So tune right in everywhere you go
He waved his hand, gave us rock'n'roll
The soundtrack of falling in love
(fallin' in love, oh)
That's why god made the radio

Making this night a celebration
Spreading the love and sunshine
To a whole new generation
Whole new generation
That's why god made the radio
That's why god made the radio
That's why god made the radio
That's why god made
That's why god made
That's why god made the radio
That's why god made
That's why god made
That's why god made the radio

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Le clip vidéo de That's Why God Made The Radio
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de That's Why God Made The Radio

Les autres paroles de l'album That's Why God Made The Radio

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : Emi
Pochette de That's Why God Made The Radio
  • 01 - Think About The Days
  • 02 - That's Why God Made The Radio
  • 03 - Isn't It Time
  • 04 - Spring Vacation
  • 05 - The Private Life Of Bill And Sue
  • 06 - Shelter
  • 07 - Daybreak Over The Ocean
  • 08 - Beaches In Mind
  • 09 - Strange World
  • 10 - From There To Back Again
  • 11 - Pacific Coast Highway
  • 12 - Summer's Gone
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