Kitty Kat - Beyoncé Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Kitty Kat de Beyoncé

Kitty Kat est une chanson de l'album B'Day (piste numéro 6) de Beyoncé sorti en 2006.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées en juillet 2012.

Les paroles de Kitty Kat ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort probable que se dissimulent toujours des fautes. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip vidéo de Kitty Kat est disponible ci-dessous.

You know I hate sleeping alone
But you said that you would soon be home
But baby that was a long time ago

I'm not feelin' it (2x)

On top of you not calling me back
You see I bet you think it's all on track
And you actin' like it's all a dat

I'm not feelin' it (2x)

Let's go, let's go Little Kitty Kat
I think it's time to go let's go Little Kitty Kat
He don't want no mo'
Let's go Little Kitty Kat
Quite frankly No mo' getting it
I'm not feeling it

It's like we at 2 places but different paces
We in trouble but you won't meet me at the bridge
It hurts and feels discerning
Did you forget where your heart lives

What about my body, body?
You don't want my body, body
Acting like I'm not nobody
You gon' make me call somebody
What about my body, body?
What about my body, body?
You would rather go and party
Somehow, somewhere I'll be naughty

You know I hate sleeping alone
But you said that you would soon be home
Baby that was a long time ago

I'm not feelin' it (2x)

On top of you not calling me back
You see I bet you think it's all on track
And you actin' like it's all a dat

I'm not feelin' it (2x)

Let's go, let's go Little Kitty Kat
I think its time to go let's go Little Kitty Kat
He don't want no mo' let's go Little Kitty Kat
Quite frankly No mo' getting it
I'm not feeling it

Let me show you how to get there
Take a left to compassion (lights will be flashing')
Keep straight and you'll see the sign right there
Affection (You're in the wrong direction)
If I get caught see it just seems that you don't care

What about my body, body?
You don't want my body, body
Acting like I'm not nobody
You gon' make me call somebody
What about my body, body?
What about my body, body?
You would rather go and party
Somehow, somewhere I'll be naughty

You know I hate sleeping alone
But you said that you would soon be home
But baby that was a long time ago

I'm not feelin' it (2x)

On top of you not calling me back
You see I bet you think it's all on track
And you actin' like it's alla' dat (you're sex ain't all that)

I'm not feelin' it (2x)

Let's go, let's go Little Kitty Kat
I think it's time to go let's go Little Kitty Kat
He don't want no mo' let's go Little Kitty Kat
Quite frankly No mo' getting it
I'm not feeling it

I'm taking back the things I got from you (you)
And that includes my sweet little nooky too (too)

Let's go
Let's go, let's go little Kitty Kat
(Kitty Kat) He don't want you anymore
Nooooooooooo (2x)

Got diamonds on my neck
Got diamonds on my records
Since 16 I was coming down ridin' Lexus'
How you gon' neglect this?
You is just a hot mess
You can call Tyrone
You ain't gots to lie Craig

What about my body, body?
You don't want my body, body
I'm in the house all alone, you rather go and party?
What about my body, body?
You don't want my body, body
Acting like I'm nobody
You gon' make me call somebody

Let's go, let's go little Kitty Kat
I think it's time to go
Let's Go Little Kitty Kat
He ain't want no mo'
Let's go Little Kitty Kat

No mo getting' it I'm not feelin' it
(Merci Altik pour les paroles)

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Le clip vidéo de Kitty Kat
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Les autres paroles de l'album B'Day

Genre : International | Major : Sony-BMG | Label : Sony Urban Music / Columbia
Pochette de B'Day
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