Zanna - Selah Sue et Tom Barman et The Subs Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Zanna de Selah Sue, Tom Barman, The Subs

Zanna est une chanson de Selah Sue, Tom Barman, The Subs pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en octobre 2012.

Les paroles de Zanna ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est possible qu'il y ait toujours des incompréhensions. N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail.

Le clip de Zanna est disponible ci-dessous.

I've gone up and down
From truth to doubt
And now that you're far gone
I cast about
The ship is lost and found
Because I know you lied
The way you're so unclear
Without a love to steer

Every chance I take takes more and more
Things get lost or break without a move
The ship is lost and found
Because I know you lied
The way you're so unclear
Without a love to steer

I've gone up and down
From truth to doubt
And now that you're far gone
I cast about
The ship is lost and found
Because I know you lied
The way you're so unclear
Without a love to steer

Every place I go I know you will
Follow me and so I'll wait until
The ship is lost and found
Because I know you lied
The way you're so unclear
Without a love to steer

I've gone up and down
From truth to doubt
And now that you're far gone
I cast about
The ship is lost and found
Because I know you lied
The way you're so unclear
Without a love to steer

Every chance I take takes more and more
Things get lost or break without a move
The ship is lost and found
Because I know you lied
The way you're so unclear
Without a love to steer

Every place I go I know you will
Follow me and so I'll wait until
The ship is lost and found
Because I know you lied
The way you're so unclear
Without a love to steer
The ship is lost and found
Because I know you lied
The way you're so unclear
Without a love to steer
The ship is lost and found
Because I know you lied
The way you're so unclear
Without a love to steer

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