Raggamuffin - Selah Sue Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Raggamuffin de Selah Sue

pochette de Raggamuffin

Selah Sue vous propose d'écouter Raggamuffin, le single extraite de son album Selah Sue.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées le mardi 05 octobre 2010.

Les paroles de Raggamuffin ont été relues et mises en page, cependant, il est fort probable qu'il y ait encore des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Le clip de Raggamuffin est disponible ci-dessous.

You never had it easy, I know
But I still remember you,
And what we used to say, so
If this is my song for you, my friend
You can only see that I, can hardly let things go, oh oh yeah

So listen to the sound of my voice
Your brothers sending all my love, it's givin' me no choice, no no no
Listen to the sound of my voice
Raggamuffin is a freedomfighter, he's handling a choice and I know that

Dear raggamuffin is one of the friends
What you see is what you really need in the end
What you ever gonna gonna do I dunno

And Dear raggamuffin shall I knock for the dawn
Cause she has the wisdom of a not fool around
What-a is a good sense see under ya ground, Yeah

You never had it easy I know
But I still remember you, and what we had so
This my song for you, my friends
You could only see that I, will never forget, yeah yeah

Ooh ooh ooh, yeah..

Dear raggamuffin is one of the band
What you see is what you need in the end
What you ever gonna gonna do I dunno

Dear raggamuffin's sure knock of the dawn
Cause she has the wisdom of not fool around
What a ????? good sense see under ya ground

Ooh ooh ooh, yeah..

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Le clip vidéo de Raggamuffin
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de Raggamuffin

Les autres paroles de l'album Selah Sue

Genre : Soul | Major : Because | Label : Because Music
Pochette de Selah Sue

Autres singles de Selah Sue

  1. Faces
  2. Direction
  3. Zanna
  4. Ragamuffin (Remix)
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