The Best One Yet (The Boy) - Black Eyed Peas Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de The Best One Yet (The Boy) de Black Eyed Peas

Black Eyed Peas vous propose les lyrics de The Best One Yet (The Boy), le single issue de son album The Beginning.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées en 2010.

Les paroles de The Best One Yet (The Boy) ont été relues et mises en page, cependant, il est possible qu'il y ait toujours des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip de The Best One Yet (The Boy) est disponible ci-dessous.

Right now
Right now is the right time for the good things in life
Let's celebrate, let's bring upon the better times
And let the setter times disappear
Oh, I feel like a champion in this date, um
There's love up in the morning, um
Imma put this in my memory as the best time ever

This is the best one yet, and I'm so happy
How could we ever forget?
This is the best one, this is the best one
This is the best one yet, and I'm so happy
How could we ever forget?
This is the best one, this is the best one
This is the best one yet

Let's celebrate (2x)

Let's celebrate
Let's do it right now and not hesitate
We gonna rock until the top like eleven
Bottles up, here we go, lets intoxicate
I was feeling good but now I'm feeling free
Best ever, ain't no I don't exaggerate
This moment is the moment I'll appreciate
Today is the day I will remember

This is the best one yet, and I'm so happy
How could we ever forget?
This is the best one, this is the best one
This is the best one yet, and I'm so happy
How could we ever forget?
This is the best one, this is the best one
This is the best one yet

Let's celebrate (2x)

This is your moment, this is your moment
This is the time, this is the time
To get it right tonight, to get it right
You don't wanna let the moment pass you by
So common and take this one in a photograph
Everything I made as right, I made as loud
The night is young and we raise our glass
We'll make it count like the best one we ever had

The best one yet, the best one yet
The best one yet, the best one yet
The best one yet, the best one yet?

This is the best one yet, and I'm so happy
How could we ever forget?
This is the best one, this is the best one
This is the best one yet, and I'm so happy
How could we ever forget?
This is the best one
This is the be-be-be-be
On-on-on ye-yet

Let's celebrate (2x)

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
Le clip vidéo de The Best One Yet (The Boy)
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de The Best One Yet (The Boy)

Les autres paroles de l'album The Beginning

Genre : Rap, Hip Hop international | Major : Universal | Label : Polydor
Pochette de The Beginning
Liens pour les lyrics de The Best One Yet (The Boy)
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