Greener Pastures - No Doubt Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Greener Pastures de No Doubt

Greener Pastures est une chanson extraite de l'album The Beacon Street Collection de No Doubt sorti en 1995.
Les paroles sont présentes depuis le 08/01/2013.

Les paroles de Greener Pastures ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort probable qu'il y ait encore des fautes. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Go ahead, get out and see the world
But then I think, why should I
I'd rather stay home and cry
I never thought that I could be the other
The other way like the other ones
Let me open wide, let you see inside
And then you might agree

Would you say they find me unstable
'Cause they see me act a little bit different
But I know my way to greener pastures and
Think about it, won't you think it over

Without you I can move
I can stretch my arms out, I can feel it
And when I'm in my room alone I feel good
Because I don't have to deal with you or the outside world

Would you say they find me unstable
'Cause they see me act a little bit different
But I know my way to greener pastures and
Think about it, won't you think it over

I guess I'll get over it
Ooh - I guess I'll get over it
I guess I'll get over it
I guess I'll get over it

Would you say they find me unstable
'Cause they see me act a little bit different
But I know my way through greener pastures
Would you say they find me unstable
'Cause they see me act a little bit different
But I know my way through greener pastures
Would you say they find me unstable
'Cause they see me act a little bit different
But I know my way through greener pastures
Greener pastures
See me act a little bit different
But I know my way through greener pastures
(Merci Gabrielle.O pour les paroles)

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Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de Greener Pastures

Les autres paroles de l'album The Beacon Street Collection

Genre : Punk, Hardcore | Major : Universal | Label : Polydor
Pochette de The Beacon Street Collection
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