Aftershock - Demi Lovato Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Aftershock de Demi Lovato

Aftershock est une chanson de Demi Lovato pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en 2012.

Les paroles de Aftershock ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est possible qu'il y ait encore des incompréhensions. N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail.

Le clip de Aftershock est disponible ci-dessous.

Beats so heavy make my head get hazy
Big boots make the ground shake crazy
Body so hot, feel like they taze me
Kill the lights, watch the crowd gets shady

Girls getting tricky, move round like elastic
Boys turned on, you can see all the static
Charge it up, make it automatic
Stop the press, hear the kick go manic

I feel you move closer to me
All the signals peaking
Crank up my electricity
Till I overload

My heart is overheating and it won't stop
I try to slow the beating, but you're so hot
The tremors keep repeating and I tell myself keep breathing
But I'm caught in your aftershock
Hit me like an earthquake
Feel my heaven and earth shake
The tremors keep repeating and I tell myself keep breathing
But I'm caught in your aftershock

Bass so thick you can see the sound wave
Bubbly spilling like it's your birthday
And comes blasting, now make the ground sway
Put your hands up shout on the replay

I feel you move closer to me
All the signals peaking
Crank up my electricity
Till I overload

My heart is overheating and it won't stop
I try to slow the beating, but you're so hot
The tremors keep repeating and I tell myself keep breathing
But I'm caught in your aftershock
Hit me like an earthquake
Feel my heaven and earth shake
The tremors keep repeating and I tell myself keep breathing
But I'm caught in your aftershock

In the aftershock (in the aftershock)
In the aftershock (in the aftershock)
In the aftershock (in the aftershock)

Your lips conduct electric flow
Your kiss vibrates me head to toe
Your touch is glowing in the dark
Those neon eyes send me a blaze

My heart is overheating and it won't stop
I try to slow the beating, but you're so hot
The tremors keep repeating and I tell myself keep breathing
But I'm caught in your aftershock
Hit me like an earthquake
Feel my heaven and earth shake
The tremors keep repeating and I tell myself keep breathing
But I'm caught in your aftershock

In the aftershock (in the aftershock)
In the aftershock (in the aftershock)
In the aftershock (in the aftershock)

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
Le clip vidéo de Aftershock
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