Really Don't Care - Demi Lovato et Cher Lloyd Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Really Don't Care de Demi Lovato, Cher Lloyd

Demi Lovato, Cher Lloyd vous proposent les lyrics de Really Don't Care, le single extraite de son album Demi.
Les paroles sont présentes depuis mai 2013.

Les paroles de Really Don't Care ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est fort probable qu'il y ait encore des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip de Really Don't Care est disponible ci-dessous.

You wanna play, you wanna stay, you wanna have it all
You started messing with my head until I hit a wall
Maybe I shoulda known, Maybe I shoulda known
That you would walk, you would walk out the door, hey!

Said we were done, and met someone and brought it in my place
Cut to the part, she broke your heart, and then she ran away
I guess you shoulda known, I guess you shoulda known
That I would talk, I would talk

But even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh I really don't care
Even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh I really don't care
Oh oh oh I really don't care

I can't believe I ever stayed up writing songs about you
You don't deserve to know the way I used to think about you
Oh no not anymore, oh no not anymore
You had your shot, had your shot, but you let go

Now if we meet out on the street I won't be running scared
I'll walk right up to you and put one finger in the air
And make you understand, and make you understand
You had your chance, had your chance

But even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh I really don't care
Even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh I really don't care
Oh oh oh I really don't care

Cher Lloyd
Yeah, listen up
Hey, hey now I'm a little back, don't struck boy, ego in tack
Look boy, why you so mad
Second guessin, but shoulda hit that
Hey demi you picked the wrong lover
Shoulda picked that one he's cuter than the other
I just wanna laugh, cause you tryna be a hipster
Kick it to the curb, take a Polaroid picture

But even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh I really don't care
Even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh I really don't care
Oh oh oh I really don't care

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Le clip vidéo de Really Don't Care
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Les autres paroles de l'album Demi

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : Universal | Label : Hollywood Records
Pochette de Demi
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