Telescope - Wiz Khalifa et 50 Cent Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Telescope de Wiz Khalifa, 50 Cent

Telescope est une chanson de Wiz Khalifa, 50 Cent pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés le 28 juin 2012.

Les paroles de Telescope ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort probable qu'il y ait encore des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Le clip de Telescope est disponible ci-dessous.

See that's the good thing about my hair man...
All I do is put water in that shit so I pull a joint out and it don't be all greasy and oily..
Turn up..

Wiz Khalifa
Your flow a diamond does it
My flow you gotta love it
My city hot as fuck and
Came from the bottom of it
But not a product of it
Bitch all my rides accustomed
Smoking my ganja public
I'm all about that money
Dress like everyday sunny
Rolling weed like a Marley
Smile like everything funny
But this industry shady
Most these niggas are crazy
Most of them quick to lose they soul, no if or a maybe
These nudies what I'm wearing
The truth is what you're hearing
The bong is what I'm clearing
The kush is overbearing
Ferrari's what I'm steering
I'm smoking while I'm driving
Keep looking in the mirror
Make sure no ones behind us
Cause niggas get jealous when your bank start to swell up
So much that people at the bank start to tell us
You need to have somebody bank for you fellas

[Refrain] Wiz Khalifa
Look at me, look at me, look at me
Look at them and look at me
Look at me, look at me, look at me
Look at them and look at me

50 Cent
I paint a perfect picture, a perfect portrait
Poverty, robbery killa be kills psychology
I shine just me and my nine
I screw niggas head and clock sharp and like this columbine
Guess I'm one of a kind
I see you niggas soft when a shell hit your face that hit your weight
That flip your coffin
Bitch get to walkin', this sabrina's orphan
I'm like the virus, the 38, the pop cyrus
Warriors are victorious
Come out to play, I mean right away
Shit found the gunner
Imperior money drawers
Outdoor nigga breaking county laws
It's hard bottom line
Tie money for some time
Eight p while you up
Kush smoke back, cope
Push the dope, cut dope, so what
I cut throat and fuck hoes
So I ain't gotta say it's time to go
She already know for sure when it's time to go

[Refrain] Wiz Khalifa

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