Intro - Lil Wayne Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Intro de Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne vous propose Intro, le single extraite de son album Tha Carter IV.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées en 2012.

Les paroles de Intro ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est fort probable qu'elles contiennent toujours des incompréhensions. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Lil Wayne avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Turn it up
Go wild man

Uhh, man fuck them bitches and them hoes
And them niggas pussies, camel toes
I got some money on me and the weed nice
My shit won't ever stop, suck my green light
Bitch it's Carter 4, murders all she wrote
Now it's fuck everybody like a Scorpio
Still running shit, I'm on my cardio
Boy I'm going in, like my water broke
Suicide note, suicide doors
I put in overtime like a tied score
Tinted windows bitch, that mean mind yours
And the weed loud, like a lions roar
Stare into the eyes, the eyes of forever
Hear no evil see no evil, Helen Keller
No music on, rock it acapella
And I don't need a watch, the time is now or never
Tell my niggas love, I die behind this shit
A nigga countin' money, you niggas counterfeit
Real nigga, nigga, proud of what I am
Young Money is an army, bitch I'm Uncle Sam
Them hoes call me Tunechi, mama call me Tune
I left the bullshit in the waiting room
Straight to the money, no short cuts
Now watch me go retarded, yellow short bus
We do drive-bys, we do walk-ups
And bitch I be so high, I get starstruck
Millz in this bitch, he said: "fuck them hoes"
And the jewelry bright, like summer clothes
And I keep some bud like Rudy Huxtable
I body-slam the beat, nigga Dusty Rhodes
I'm from Eagle Street, I go Hercules
I get on the beat, murder 1st degree
YMCMB, we don't give a fuck
You faker than some titties, you get tittie fucked
Haa, this the best-worst feeling
And nigga if I die, I die a death worth living
Uh, this that text book G shit
I've been in that water but I've never been sea sick
Yeah, knock me, I knock ya face off
Life's a crazy bitch, Grace Jones
Mind of a genius with a heart of stone
Ha-eah, C4, Mr. Carter's home!
(Merci Inconnue pour les paroles)

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Les autres paroles de l'album Tha Carter IV

Genre : Rap, Hip Hop international | Major : Universal | Label : Barclay
Pochette de Tha Carter IV
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