Hazel Eyez - Never Shout Never Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Hazel Eyez de Never Shout Never

Hazel Eyez est une chanson de Never Shout Never pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés le lundi 05 novembre 2012.

Les paroles de Hazel Eyez ont été relues et mises en page, cependant, il est fort probable qu'elles contiennent encore des fautes. N'hésitez pas à me prévenir par mail.

Le clip de Hazel Eyez est disponible ci-dessous.

Slow down, you're moving way too fast
Come back down and you will see the truth at last
The sky is made of me, the stars are made of you
Love is in the air, there's nothing we can't do

We're going nowhere fast, the kids are catching up
We don't know how to act.
We're having so much fun, and it's only just begun
So don't give up

I'm watching you defy gravity
Your hazel eyes, are slipping away
I'm watching you defy gravity
Your hazel eyes, are drifting away

Slow down, you're moving way too fast
Gracefully you fall landing on some broken glass
You dug yourself a hole, you climbed your way back out
Learning from the fall is what flying's all about

We're going nowhere fast, the kids are catching up
We don't know how to act.
We're having so much fun, and it's only just begun
So don't give up

[Refrain] (x2)

Slow down, slow back down
You dug yourself a hole, you climbed your way back out
Learning from the fall is what flying's all about
Stretch your wings
Slow back down and fly
You dug yourself a hole, you climbed your way back out
Learning from the fall is what flying's all about
Stretch your wings and learn to fly
Slow back down
You dug yourself a hole, you climbed your way back out
Learning from the fall is what flying's all about
Stretch your wings and learn to fly
Slow back down
You dug yourself a hole, you climbed your way back out
Learning from the fall is what flying's all about
Stretch your wings and learn to fly
Slow back down
You dug yourself a hole, you climbed your way back out
Learning from the fall is what flying's all about
Stretch your wings and learn to fly
Slow back down

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Le clip vidéo de Hazel Eyez
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Autres singles de Never Shout Never

  1. All Mine
  2. Honey-Dew
  3. Till The Sun Comes Up
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