Me, Myself and Time - Demi Lovato Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Me, Myself and Time de Demi Lovato

Me, Myself and Time est une chanson de Demi Lovato pour laquelle les paroles ont été ajoutées le lundi 16 août 2010.

Les paroles de Me, Myself and Time ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est probable qu'elles contiennent encore des incompréhensions. N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail.

Le clip vidéo de Me, Myself and Time est disponible ci-dessous.

I can make the rain stop if I wanna,
Just like my attitude
I can take my laptop record a snapshot
And change your point of view

I just entered this brand new world
And I'm so open hearted
I know I've got a long way to go but I
I'm just getting started

I'm over my head, and I know it, I know it
I'm doing my best not to show it, to show it
Whatever it takes to be what I was ment to be, I'm going to try
Cause I'm living the dream and I know it, I know it
I'm trying my best not to blow it, to blow it
And I know everything will be fine
With me, myself and time.

I go where life takes me, but some days it makes me want to change my direction
Sometimes it gets lonely, but I know that it's only a matter of my perception
I just entered this brand new world
And I'm so open hearted
I know I've got a long way to go but I
I'm just getting started

I'm over my head, and I know it, I know it
I'm doing my best not to show it, to show it
Whatever it takes to be what I was ment to be, I'm going to try
Cause I'm living the dream and I know it, I know it
I'm trying my best not to blow it, to blow it
And I know everything will be fine
With me, myself and time.

And baby there is nothing like this moment
To just be real and let the truth be spoken
Whatever's broke I can make it unbroken
Turn the lead in my hand and the stars stand golden
Just try more love, if I try more love then I'll find
Myself and time.

I'm over my head, and I know it, I know it
I'm doing my best not to show it, to show it
Whatever it takes to be what I was ment to be, I'm going to try

I'm over my head, and I know it, I know it
I'm doing my best not to show it, to show it
Whatever it takes to be what I was ment to be, I'm going to try
Cause I'm living the dream and I know it, I know it
I'm trying my best not to blow it, to blow it
And I know everything will be fine
With me, myself and time.

I'll find myself in time,
I know I'll find myself in time

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