All The Right Moves - One Republic Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de All The Right Moves de One Republic

All The Right Moves est une chanson provenant de l'album Waking Up de One Republic sorti en 2009.
Les paroles figurent sur le site depuis le 11 septembre 2009.

Les paroles de All The Right Moves ont été relues et mises en page, cependant, il est probable qu'elles contiennent toujours des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip vidéo de All The Right Moves est disponible ci-dessous.

All the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They got all the right moves in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down

Let's paint the picture of the perfect place
They got it better than what anyone's told you
There'll be the king of hearts
and you're the queen of spades
And we'll fight for you like we were your soldiers
I know we got it good, but they got it made
And the grass is getting greener each day
I know things are looking up
but soon they'll take us down
Before anybody's knowing our name

They got all the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They got all the right moves in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down

Said everybody knows
Everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
Said everybody knows
Everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down

Do you think I'm special, do you think I'm nice
Am I bright enough to shine in your spaces
Between the noise you hear and the sound you like
Are we just sinking in the ocean of faces
It can't be possible, the rain can fall
Only when it's over our heads
The sun is shining everyday but its far away
Over the world they said, they got

They got all the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They got all the right moves in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down

Said everybody knows
Everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
Said everybody knows
Everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
(going down .. going down ...)

It don't matter what you see
I know I could never be
Someone that'll look like you
It don't matter what you say
I know I could never face
Someone that can sound like you

All the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They got all the right moves in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down

All the right friends in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They got all the right moves in
All the right places
So yeah, we're going down

Said everybody knows
Everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
Said everybody knows
Everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down

Yeah, we're going down
Yeah, we're going down
All the right moves, hey
Yeah, we're going down
All the right moves, hey
Yeah, we're going down

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Le clip vidéo de All The Right Moves
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de All The Right Moves

Les autres paroles de l'album Waking Up

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : Universal | Label : IMS
Pochette de Waking Up
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