Before the Storm - Jonas Brothers et Miley Cyrus Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Before the Storm de Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus

Before the Storm est une chanson issue de l'album The Time Of Our Lives de Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus sorti en 2009.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées le mercredi 01 juillet 2009.

Les paroles de Before the Storm ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est probable que se cachent encore des fautes. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Miley Cyrus
I know this isn't what I wanted,
Never thought it'd come this far,
Just thinking back to where we started
And how we lost all that we are

Jonas Brothers
We were young & times were easy,
But I could see it's not the same.
I'm standing here but you don't see me,
I'd give it all for that to change.

And I don't want to lose her,
I don't want to let her go.

Chorus Miley Cyrus and Jonas Brothers
Standing out in the rain,
I need to know if its over,
Cause I will leave you alone.
Flooded with all this pain,
Knowing that I'll never hold her,
Like I did before the storm

Yeah .. before the storm

And with every strike of lightning
Comes a memory that last
Not a word is left unspoken
As the thunder starts to crash

Maybe I should give up

Chorus Miley Cyrus and Jonas Brothers
I'm standing out in the rain,
I need to know if its over,
Cause I will leave you alone.
Flooded with all this pain,
Knowing that I'll never hold her,
Like I did before the storm

Trying to keep the light from going in
And the clouds from ripping out my broken heart.
We always say a heart is not whole
Without the one who gets you through
The storm

Chorus Miley Cyrus and Jonas Brothers
Standing out in the rain
Knowing that it's really over
Please don't leave me alone
Flooded with all this pain
Knowing that I'll never hold you
Like I did before the storm

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