Chaka Demus - Jamie T Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Chaka Demus de Jamie T

Chaka Demus est une chanson de Jamie T pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés le 30/08/2009.

Les paroles de Chaka Demus ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort possible que se cachent toujours des incompréhensions. N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail.

Le clip vidéo de Chaka Demus est disponible ci-dessous.

A lot of people around here lost the whites of their eyes.

Think with their head argue with a gut
Draft did you leave the door open it might encourage customers in
I wish the barmaid shut
Look like shit down on my luck
Two world wars and one world cup
Scream by the desperate divided crutch
Used to have an Empire then we grew up
Lost everything who gives a fuck
Money in the jukebox rocks all night
Same shit bands too much hype
Everyone knows everyone sees fights.
Everyone drinks in the corner right.
Everyone knows hes a C blood type
Same rematch to much delight
I love her she loves me to that's why we get together

A lot of people around here lost the whites of their eyes.
See the lust inside your hand(heart?) I don't want to touch the sky.

He’s dizzy for lizzy
I'm dizzy generally
Scapegoat hit by a girl befriended me
Not that I care its the only use to me
She bouncing off walls through doors
Pretend to be everything I wanna be and everything less

Your leaving alone but you came together
Who made the sun turn to stormy weather
Leaving alone but you came together
Who made the suns turn to stormy weather

A lot of people around here lost the whites of their eyes.
See the lust inside your hand(heart?) I don’t want to touch the sky.

She said tonight Jay I'm gonna teach them a ballad
An English man in every coward
I was kinda impressed by the way she dressed.
I scoured this land to find a girl empowered
Ask her again why her heart turned sour
One of the ones that the boys devoured
If your gonna learn a song you gotta sing along
There's an English man in every coward
I got money in the jukebox rocks all night
Same shit bands too much hype
Everyone knows everyone sees fights
Everyone drinks in the corner right.
Everyone knows hes a C blood type
Same rematch to much delight
Well I love her she love she lover me too that’s why we get together

A lot of people around here lost the whites of their eyes.
See the lust inside your hand(heart?) I don’t want to touch the sky.

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Autres singles de Jamie T

  1. Sticks N Stones
  2. Salvador
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