Comforting Lie - No Doubt Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Comforting Lie de No Doubt

No Doubt vous propose Comforting Lie, le single de son album Return Of Saturn.
Les paroles figurent sur le site depuis le 21/11/2012.

Les paroles de Comforting Lie ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort probable qu'elles contiennent encore des fautes. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

I started out on the wrong foot
Now I'm not myself
I am Jekyll, I am Hyde
Found this place to hide
Come seek me

Oh, so up and down
So back and forth
So insecure
Can't get this taste out of my mouth
Swallow it down

Hold it, hold it all in
Let it build up
Build a bomb
Blow it, blow it away
Clear it all out
Just end it

I'm just a normal person
Without those problems
When did it change?
Admissions so embarrassing
I'm on the verge of tears again

Hold it, hold it all in
Let it build up
Build a bomb
And blow it, blow it away
Clear it all out
Just end it

Oh look I took the Band-Aid off
Did I take it off too soon?
Hysterical confession
My big courageous move

Don't gasp at the predictable
A comforting lie can't last
Preordained checklist of this awkward love
It's so sad

Hold it, hold it all in
Let it build up
Oh, build a bomb
Blow it, blow it away
Clear it all out
Just end it

Sort it, sort it out
Just give it back
No thank you
Toss it, toss it away
Just give up

I can't decide
This tug of war
I'm feeling weak
(Merci Gabrielle.O pour les paroles)

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Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de Comforting Lie

Les autres paroles de l'album Return Of Saturn

Genre : Punk, Hardcore | Major : Universal | Label : Polydor
Pochette de Return Of Saturn
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