Cousins - Vampire Weekend Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Cousins de Vampire Weekend

Cousins est une chanson de Vampire Weekend pour laquelle les paroles sont ici depuis décembre 2009.

Les paroles de Cousins ont été corrigées, cependant, il est fort probable qu'elles contiennent encore des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip de Cousins est disponible ci-dessous.

You found a sweater on the ocean floor
They're gonna find it if you didn't close the door.
You and this model sit outside the side-
In a house on a street they wouldn't park on the night.

Dad was a risk taker.
His was a shoe maker.
You greatest hits 2006,
Little listmaker.
Caught in the melody,
You wait in the car.
You were born with ten fingers
And you're gonna use them all.

Interest in girls as I discovered myself
If your odd-life was greater
You'll be toastin' my health
If an interest in coats,
You should be lining the walls.
When your birth right is interest
You could just screw it all.

Me and my cousins
and you and your cousins
Its a line that is always running.
Me and my cousins,
You and your cousins,
I can feel it coming

You can turn your back on the biddlewood (4x)

Me and my cousins and you and your cousins
its a line thats always running
me and my cousins and you and your cousins
I can feel it coming
Me and my cousins and you and your cousins
its a line thats always running
me and my cousins and you and your cousins
I can feel it coming

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