Detroit, Michigan - Kid Rock Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Detroit, Michigan de Kid Rock

Detroit, Michigan est une chanson de Kid Rock pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés le 07/11/2012.

Les paroles de Detroit, Michigan ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est possible qu'il y ait toujours des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Talkin' 'bout soul, soul, soul
Hey Memphis
Talkin' 'bout rock n roll
Hey Texas
New york city's uptown grooves
A little Mississippi delta blues
Flossin' Austin and the Boston pops
And everybody knows that Cleveland rocks

Talkin' 'bout girls, girls, girls
Talkin' 'bout fine, fine girls
A downtown Nashville honky-tonk
Some big fat back beat dc funk
Jacksonville and the southern rock
In new orleans the party never stops

Detroit, Michigan

Ya heard about Marvin Gaye, we got him
Can I get a witness?
Talkin' bout hitsville usa we got it
How sweet it is
We got those fine, fine super supremes
The kind of girls ya see in your dreams
When ya hear our thunderin' sound
Ya know it comes from Detroit town

Talkin' 'bout Rosa Parks we sent her
Talkin' 'bout Henry Ford the inventor
Talkin' 'bout Aretha yeah we got her
The queen of soul
Bob Seger yeah we got him
And that old time rock n roll
Slim shady set the world on fire
The big three baby and the finest cars
George Clinton's p funk all stars
We spend our days on the line and our nights in the bars

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