Diego Pt. 1 - Gino Marley Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Diego Pt. 1 de Gino Marley

Diego Pt. 1 est une chanson de Gino Marley pour laquelle les paroles sont présentes depuis 2013.

Les paroles de Diego Pt. 1 ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est possible que se dissimulent toujours des incompréhensions. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Vous pouvez regarder le clip de Gino Marley avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

I conversate with plugs, they say wuddup Diego? (wuddup Diego?)
They talk to me bout kilos, guns and fuckin pesos
I front you work, you pay it back or you finito
Tappin at the trap door, I watch you through the peephole
I conversate with plugs, they say wuddup Diego? (wuddup?)
They talk to me bout kilos, guns and fuckin pesos
I front you work, you pay it back or you finito
Tappin at the door, I watch you through the peephole

Tappin at the door, I see you through the peephole
I let my money talk cus I don't talk to people
I'm Gino Marley, Diego my alter ego
Plug callin once a week, talkin bout bands and kilos
I load the truck and then it's adios amigos
I'm takin trips to Rio, meeting with important people
I'm whippin work and what I'm cookin up is nito
I go to sleep at night with guns under my pillow
My money talkin, it say it don't fuck with people
I front you work, you late a week then you finito
Got shooters on the roof and guns behind my people
They say my people crazy cus they like shootin people
Low of birds in this bitch like I'm Flocka Siegel
And bitch we savage squad so that mean we not know equal
Lot of birds in this bitch like a Flocka Siegel
And bitch we savage squad so that mean we not know equal

I conversate with plugs, they say wuddup Diego? (wuddup Diego?)
They talk to me bout kilos, guns and fuckin pesos
I front you work, you pay it back or you finito
Tappin at the trap door, I watch you through the peephole
I conversate with plugs, they say wuddup Diego? (wuddup?)
They talk to me bout kilos, guns and fuckin pesos
I front you work, you pay it back or you finito
Tappin at the door, I watch you through the peephole

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