From a Table Away - Sunny Sweeney Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de From a Table Away de Sunny Sweeney

From a Table Away est une chanson de Sunny Sweeney pour laquelle les paroles sont ici depuis le mardi 18 janvier 2011.

Les paroles de From a Table Away ont été relues et mises en page autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est probable qu'il y ait toujours des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail.

Vous pouvez regarder le clip de Sunny Sweeney avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

I bet you'd never guess who I saw tonight
Guess you didn't see me in those low dim lights
I knew who she was
By the ring still on her hand
Sure looked like you still wanted to be her man

So I guess that means that things are better
Must not be so bad at home
I thought it looked like you were leavin'
But it don't
And I heard you tell her you still love her
So it doesn't matter what you say
I saw it all
From a table away

I thought she was pretty
She's nothing like the things you said
The woman you described
Couldn't even turn your head
The two of you look lost inside a world all your own
Like you couldn't wait to get her alone


And I heard you tell her you still love her
So it doesn't matter what you say
I saw it all
From a table away
Yes you're gonna stay
A table away I bet you'd never guess who I saw tonight
Guess you didn't see me in those low dim lights
I knew who she was
By the ring still on her hand
Sure looked like you still wanted to be her man


I thought she was pretty
She's nothing like the things you said
The woman you described
Couldn't even turn your head
The two of you look lost inside a world all your own
Like you couldn't wait to get her alone


And I heard you tell her you still love her
So it doesn't matter what you say
I saw it all
From a table away
Yes you're gonna stay
A table away

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