Idiot Heart - Sunset Rubdown Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Idiot Heart de Sunset Rubdown

Idiot Heart est une chanson de Sunset Rubdown pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en avril 2009.

Les paroles de Idiot Heart ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est possible qu'elles contiennent encore des incompréhensions. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Stay away from open windows
And put the telephone down.
Can you run as fast as this house will fall
When the alarm bell sounds
No, I was never much of a dancer
But I know enough to know you gotta move
Your idiot body around.

And you cant, cant settle down
until the idiot in your blood
Settles down

So move around, oh move around
Oh move around, oh move around
oh move around, oh move around

And if I found you in this city
And called it “Paradise”
I say I love you but I hate this city
And I’m no prize

You want to walk around like you own the joint,
The way that Icarus thought he might
Own the sky

I said you cant, cant settle down
until the Icarus in your blood
In your blood drowns
No you cant, cant settle down
Until the Icarus in your blood
in your blood drowns

I said, If I was a horse
I would throw up the reins
if I was you

So, look at you go!
(you were a sorcerer)
Oh, look at you go!
(you were a meteor)
Oh, look at you go!

And you know a heart
But it’s an idiot heart.
And you know a heart

But you can’t, cant settle down, down, down
But you cant, cant settle down, down, down

So just move around, move around, move around
Move around (I hope that you die)
Move around (in a decent pair of shoes)
Move around (you got a lot more walking to do)
Move around (where you’re going to)
Move around

I hope that you die in a decent pair of shoes
You got a lot more walking to do
Where you’re going to.

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
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