I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight - U2 Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight de U2

U2 vous propose les lyrics de I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight, la chanson de son album No Line On The Horizon.
Les paroles sont présentes depuis le 08/06/2009.

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Vous pouvez regarder le clip de U2 avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

She’s a rainbow and she loves the peaceful life
Knows I’ll go crazy if I don’t go crazy tonight

There’s a part of me in chaos that’s quiet
And there’s a part of you that wants me to riot
Everybody needs to cry or needs to spit
Every sweet-tooth needs just a little hit
Every beauty needs to go out with an idiot
How can you stand next to the truth and not see it?
Change of heart comes slow …

It’s not a hill it’s a mountain
As you start out the climb
Do you believe me or are you doubtin?
We’re gonna make it all the way to the light
But I know I’ll go crazy if I don’t go crazy tonight

Every generation gets a chance to change the world
Divination that will listen to your boys and girls
Is the sweetest melody the one we haven’t heard?
Is it true that perfect love drives out all fear?
The right to be ridiculous is something I hold dear
But change of heart comes slow…

It’s not a hill it’s a mountain
As you start out the climb
You see for me I’ve been shoutin
But we’re gonna make it all the way to the light
But I know I’ll go crazy if I don’t go crazy tonight

Baby, baby, baby, I know I’m not alone
Baby, baby, baby, I know I’m not alone
Ha, ha, ha

It’s not a hill it’s a mountain
You see for me I’ve been shouting
Let’s shout until the darkness, squeeze out sparks of light
You know we’ll go crazy
You know we’ll go crazy
You know we’ll go crazy, if we don’t go crazy tonight

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Le clip vidéo de I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight
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Les autres paroles de l'album No Line On The Horizon

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : Universal | Label : Barclay
Pochette de No Line On The Horizon
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