Just One Last Time - David Guetta et Taped Rai Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Just One Last Time de David Guetta, Taped Rai

Just One Last Time est une chanson de David Guetta, Taped Rai pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en 2012.

Les paroles de Just One Last Time ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est possible que se dissimulent encore des incompréhensions. N'hésitez pas à me prévenir par mail.

Le clip vidéo de Just One Last Time est disponible ci-dessous.

This is the end, Sasha
But I can't move away from you
This is the edge of patience
But you'll prove yourself to me
Still you drain my soul

Even though it hurts I can't slow down
Walls are closing in and I hit the ground
With "there's no tomorrow" echo in my mind
Just one last time

Even though it hurts I can't slow down
Walls are closing in and I hit the ground
With "there's no tomorrow" echo in my mind
Just one last time

Just one last time
Just one last time
Just one last time

There comes for us too bad
Then we go back to the sound
And I know what I'm supposed to do
To get myself away from you
Oh you drain my soul and

Even though it hurts I can't slow down
Walls are closing in and I hit the ground
With "there's no tomorrow" echo in my mind
Just one last time

Even though it hurts I can't slow down
Walls are closing in and I hit the ground
With "there's no tomorrow" echo in my mind
Just one last time

Just one last time
Just one last time
Just one last time

This is the end, Sasha
But I can't move away from you

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Le clip vidéo de Just One Last Time
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