Love - Britney Spears Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Love de Britney Spears

Love est une chanson de Britney Spears pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés le 14/05/2014.

Les paroles de Love ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est probable que se dissimulent encore des fautes. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

You got me thinking about
The things I'd do to your body
I can almost taste your lips
I can feel how much you want me

But to think what you wanna do to me
Close your eyes and visualize me
Go with it, flow with it
Come on, be a man
Take control of it

Let's get outta here
'Cause you know that we're
Gonna love tonight
Got a private spot
That's not all I got
For you, tonight

Your eyes are burning through me
I'm not afraid of your fire
I can almost taste your lips
I can feel how much you want me
But to think what you wanna do to me
Close your eyes and visualize me
Go with it, flow with it
Come on, be a man
Take control of it

Let's get outta here
'Cause you know that we're
Gonna love, tonight
Got a private spot
That's not all I got
For you, tonight

There are places that I know,
No one else can ever go
But you & me..
Welcome to me

Let's get outta here
'Cause you know that we're
Gonna love, tonight
Got a private spot
That's not all I got
For you, tonight

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
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