Love Long Distance - Gossip Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Love Long Distance de Gossip

Gossip vous propose Love Long Distance, le single de son album Music For Men.
Les paroles sont présentes depuis 2009.

Les paroles de Love Long Distance ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est possible qu'elles contiennent encore des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip de Love Long Distance est disponible ci-dessous.

Call yourself a romantic let me explain
Been Across the whole Atlantic and back again
I had it with your antics, your childish games

I call your number twice ut it rang and rang
Against my best friends advice
I should be ashamed
You Did it to me once
You'll do it again
So she says

Love long distance is testing me trying my patience
I need more of your assistance now

I heard it through the bass line
Not much longer would you be my baby
You work yourself into a panic
Bent outta shape
And then take me for granted
Like nothings changed
All my friends are asking
Why you're that way
But I can't explain
Why I call your number twice
But it rang and rang
Against my best friends advice
I should be ashamed
You did it to me once
You'll do it again
She promises

Love long distance is testing me trying my patience
I need more of your assistance now
You're making me crazy
The way that you've been acting lately
I need more of your assistance now

Breaking up or breaking down
When I need you you can't be found
I want someone who's around for me
Does it have to be so complicated?
Either way I'm devastated
I could use a little comforting

Love long distance is testing me trying my patience
I need more of your assistance now
Love, love, love, looove
I need more of your assistance now

And I will Thank you for your cooperation
Stop playing with me!

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Le clip vidéo de Love Long Distance
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Les autres paroles de l'album Music For Men

Genre : Rock indé | Major : Sony-BMG | Label : Columbia
Pochette de Music For Men
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