Miss Misery - Alex Hepburn Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Miss Misery de Alex Hepburn

Alex Hepburn vous propose les paroles de Miss Misery, la chanson extraite de son album Together Alone.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées le 13 mai 2013.

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Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Alex Hepburn avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Shut your mouth miss misery
I'll shoot you down
Just you wait and see
Nothing to give
She's gonna take it all
Build you up just to watch you fall

Oh no heard that you're back in town
If you're here who the hell is running hell
I ain't sticking around this time to hear you out
No no
She's stalking me through the concrete jungle
She got me in her sight and the target's locked on me
Oh no I know she wants to give it to me me me

Shut your mouth miss misery
I'll shoot you down
Just you wait and see
Nothing to give
She's gonna take it all
Build you up just to watch you fall

She'll say that she owns you, you owe her
Miss misery
She'll say you deserve her
Gotta shoot her down
Miss misery

I light a candle say a little prayer for me
God knows I could really use the charity
One match is all I really need
And a little pink can of gasoline
So burn baby burn

Shut your mouth miss misery
I'll shoot you down
Just you wait and see
Nothing to give
She's gonna take it all
Build you up just to watch you fall

She'll say that she owns you, you owe her
Miss misery
She'll say you deserve her
Gotta shoot her down
Miss misery

Graffitis on the wall
Miss misery won't ya just go home
There's a new knock on my door
Sounds like something
I ain't ever heard before

Shut your mouth miss misery
I'll shoot you down
Just you wait and see
Nothing to give
She's gonna take it all
Build you up just to watch you fall

Shut your mouth miss misery
I'll shoot you down
Just you wait and see
Nothing to give
She's gonna take it all
Build you up just to watch you fall

She'll say that she owns you, you owe her
Miss misery
She'll say you deserve her
Gotta shoot her down
Miss misery

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Le clip vidéo de Miss Misery
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de Miss Misery

Les autres paroles de l'album Together Alone

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : Warner | Label : WM France
Pochette de Together Alone

Autres singles de Alex Hepburn

  1. Woman's World
  2. Stop Fucking Around
  3. Bad for my health
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