My Problems - Mike Winans Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de My Problems de Mike Winans

My Problems est une chanson de Mike Winans pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en 2012.

Les paroles de My Problems ont été corrigées, cependant, il est possible qu'il y ait toujours des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Mike Winans avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

You know all the buttons to push on
And you know just what to say to make me go crazy
You know what you just come too far
And some days is just have you are, you are, you are

Just wanna know about to let you go, let you go
Something tells me, I'll be making a big mistake
And nobody else can love me, else to love
In the way you do
I got a feel and met that..
So people are there, uh
Who wish they have my problems oh?
I'll be making a big mistake
Although we argue and fight all the time
I know that we can solve them.

There is some people out there, who wish they have my problems
I'll be making a big mistake
Although we argue and fight over time,
You're still my ..
I know that we can solver them, solve them
I'll never leave it baby

You know how just to get up in action
If you know when to be a perfect distraction
You know how to make a mountain
Out of the smallest some fraction oh baby

Just wanna know about to let you go, let you go
Something tells me, I'll be making a big mistake
And nobody else can love me, else to love
In the way you do
I got a feel and met that..
So people are there, uh
Who wish they have my problems oh?
I'll be making a big mistake
Although we argue and fight all the time
I know that we can solve them.


You are still the most beautiful woman
I've ever seen and that's a fact baby
Girl when still further
Say as it is the day we felt..
I can't imagine someone else ..
Up in this going know where I'm hoping
We can get through, don't wanna close this time
There are people secretly waiting for you

[Refrain] (x2)

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