Nothing to Lose - Emblem3 Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Nothing to Lose de Emblem3

Nothing to Lose est une chanson de Emblem3 pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en octobre 2013.

Les paroles de Nothing to Lose ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est possible qu'il y ait toujours des fautes. N'hésitez pas à me prévenir par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Emblem3 avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

You should roll with me, whatcha got to lose?

I can make your teenage dream come true.
And all I wanna know is if you're feeling me or not.
Cause I'm looking at the clock, it goes tick-tick-tock.
I wanna make you my lady, I ain't tryna' hear no 'Call me Maybe'
I ain't never seen, a girl so sweet.
I could be your surf board, you could be my beach.

You spend all night lookin' down at your phone,
Girl, you need to get over it, you need to get over it, yeah.
Just one kiss then we both go with the flow,
I'm a help you get over it, help you get over it, yeah.

You don't gotta wait no longer, you don't gotta be so shy.
I just wanna pull you closer, I just wanna cross that line.
So baby come on, cause the night is almost over,
So let's have the time of our lives like we got nothing to lose.

You know what I'm sayin, I hope you feel the same, yeah.
(Like we got nothing to lose)
You know what I'm sayin, I hope you feel the same, yeah.
(Like we got nothing to lose)

I can tell by the way that you rollin you're eyes
You get a lot of attention, probably fed up by guys.
And I can try to convince you I'm different, but you look so good,
It's hard to put together a sentence. Get it On.
So if you could just imagine, what's goin' through my head.
And all the fun we'd have
If you give me a chance, I can promise you this,
You won't be singing break up songs, like that Taylor chick.

You spend all night lookin down at your phone,
Girl you need to get over it, you need to get over it.
Just one kiss, then we both go with the flow.
I'm a help you get over, help you get over it, yeah.

You don't gotta wait no longer, you don't gotta be so shy.
I just wanna pull you closer, I just wanna cross that line.
So baby come on, cause the night is almost over,
So let's have the time of our lives like we got nothing to lose.

You know what I'm sayin, I hope you feel the same.
(Like we got nothing to lose)
You know what I'm sayin, I hope you feel the same.
(Like we got nothing to lose)

Drew qui parle
I mean considering the fact that we're at a high school party right now
And I'm not in high school, neither are you
So, I mean we could just, uhm, go back to to my house, yeah so

You don't gotta wait no longer, you don't gotta be so shy.
I just wanna pull you closer, I just wanna cross that line.
So baby come on, cause the night is almost over,
So let's have the time of our lives like we got nothing to lose.

You know what I'm sayin, I hope you feel the same, yeah.
(Like we got nothing to lose) (x4)

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
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