Out is through - Alanis Morissette (paroles clip) Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Out is through de Alanis Morissette

Out is through est une chanson figurant sur l'album So-Called Chaos de Alanis Morissette sorti en 2004.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées en février 2008.

Les paroles de Out is through ont été relues et mises en page autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est probable que se cachent encore des fautes. N'hésitez pas à me prévenir par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Alanis Morissette avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Every time you raise your voice
I see the greener grass
Every time you run for cover
I see this pasture
Every time we're in a funk
I picture a different choice
Every time we're in a rut
This distant grandeur

My tendency to want to do away feels natural and
My urgency to dream of softer places feels understandable

The only way out is through
The faster we're in the better
The only way out is through ultimately
The only way out is through
The only way we'll feel better
The only way out is through ultimately

Every time I'm confused
I think there must be easier ways
Every time our horns are locked on towel throwing
Every time we're at a loss, we've bolted from difficulty
Anytime we're still made of final bowing

My tendency to want to hide away feels easier and
The immediacy is picturing another place comforting to go

The only way out is through
The faster we're in the better
The only way out is through ultimately
The only way out is through
The only way we'll feel better
The only way out is through ultimately

We could just walk away and hide our heads in the sand
We could just call it quits, only to start all over again
With somebody else

Every time we're stuck in struggle, I'm down for the count that day
Every time I dream of quick fix I'm swaged
Now I know it's hard when it's through
And I'm damned if I don't know quick fix way
But formerly mistreat me silence now outdated

My tendency to want to run feels unnatural now
The urgency to want to give to you I don't want most feels good

The only way out is through
The faster we're in the better
The only way out is through ultimately
The only way out is through
The only way we'll feel better
The only way out is through ultimately

The only way out is through
The faster we're in the better
The only way out is through ultimately
The only way out is through
The only way we'll get better
The only way out is through ultimately

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
Le clip vidéo de Out is through
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de Out is through

Les autres paroles de l'album So-Called Chaos

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : Warner | Label : Maverick
Pochette de So-Called Chaos
  • 01 - Eight Easy Steps
  • 02 - Out Is Through
  • 03 - Excuses
  • 04 - Doth I Protest Too Much
  • 05 - Knees Of My Bees
  • 06 - So-Called Chaos
  • 07 - Not All Me
  • 08 - This Grudge
  • 09 - Spineless
  • 10 - Everything
Liens pour les lyrics de Out is through
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  • Excuses
  • Eight Easy Steps
  • This Grudge
  • Spineless
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