Pass Out - Chris Brown et Eva Simmons Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Pass Out de Chris Brown, Eva Simmons

Pass Out est une chanson issue de l'album Graffiti de Chris Brown, Eva Simmons sorti en 2009.
Les paroles sont présentes depuis le vendredi 11 décembre 2009.

Les paroles de Pass Out ont été relues et mises en page, cependant, il est possible qu'il y ait encore des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Chris Brown, Eva Simmons avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Tu veux voler
Aux portes de [...]
Je sais que tu me veux
Mais est-ce que tu mérites mon amour ?

Hot passin hour in the club
I was trying to cut her up
I was sippin on
Tryin to find the missing link
You had a mission trying to vogue
Then I came right through the smoke
I was smoking hot
Catch my fever lets burn up the floor
I need to know, how to get into you
Baby I’m liking your bod
Oooo you got me stuck
So I can enter you
How I can flow my moves

Don’t breathe
I want to take deep breath
Let your body feel it all night, from your body
It can charge you all up
Lets start a riot on the floor
Wait till you pass out
Wait till you pass out
Wait till you pass out
Wait till you pass out

I’m burning up and it’s so hard to turn me down
Let’s breach it up because hun your fires turning down
I’ll bring you back can you smell that
Now that imma rockstar I just wanna stop your heart
Go go enter on the dance floor
Go go am I what you asked for
Imma monster not a pretty little girl
Eyes on me so come follow me

Don’t breathe
I want to take deep breath
Let your body feel it all night, from your body
It can charge you all up
Lets start a riot on the floor
Wait till you pass out
Wait till you pass out
Wait till you pass out
Wait till you pass out

I just can’t say no baby girl I wanna take you down
Oh whatever silly boy I’m tryna turn you out
Girl give it up know I really want cha
Blacking out, blacking out right now
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Don’t breathe
I want to take deep breath
Let your body feel it all night, from your body
It can charge you all up
Lets start a riot on the floor
Wait till you pass out
Wait till you pass out
Wait till you pass out
Wait till you pass out

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Le clip vidéo de Pass Out
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de Pass Out

Les autres paroles de l'album Graffiti

Genre : International | Major : Sony-BMG | Label : Zomba
Pochette de Graffiti
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