Posh Life - TLC Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Posh Life de TLC

Posh Life est une chanson de TLC pour laquelle les paroles sont ici depuis juillet 2013.

Les paroles de Posh Life ont été corrigées, cependant, il est probable que se cachent encore des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de TLC avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

He went to them, they turned away
He just wanted something to eat
A place to love, a place to pray

In God we trust and it's okay
He said I'm Black, Latin, and Gay
I went to them, they turned away

Where life is holding you down
And you're having trouble finding peace
You gotta be brave, and pray until you bleed

Where life is holding you hot
In a place you don't want to be
You gotta Posh Life, cause life is all you need

We live a Posh life
The world says we're not brave until we bleed
You gotta trust the future of us, believe

We live a Posh Life
We're nothing but our leather and our dreams
You gotta trust in the future of us, believe

Posh Life
Posh Life
Posh Life
We'll fight until we bleed

Grew up, I never thought of it
Nineteen, move to the big city
To find a dream, to find a way

Put the concrete of Lower East
Inscribing sharpie on the stage
Passionately, oh mister, they hear me there

Where life is holding you down
And you're having trouble finding peace
You gotta be brave, and pray until you bleed

Where life is holding you hot
In a place you don't want to be
You gotta Posh Life, cause life is all you need

We live a Posh life
The world says we're not brave until we bleed
You gotta trust the future of us, believe

We live a Posh Life
We're nothing but our leather and our dreams
You gotta trust in the future of us, believe

Posh Life
We live a Posh Life
Posh Life
We'll fight until we bleed

Posh Life
We live a Posh Life
Posh Life
Fight until we bleed

This ain't no chapel, no office breathing
Where love is Posh Life for just one reason
We got each other, when it hurts, change, and giving
Where love is Posh Life for just one reason

We live the Posh life
The world says we're not brave until we bleed
You gotta trust the future of us, believe

We live the Posh Life
We're nothing but our leather and our dreams
You gotta trust in the future of us, believe

Posh Life
We live a Posh Life
Posh Life
We'll fight until we bleed

Posh Life
We live a Posh Life
Posh Life
Fight until we bleed

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