Rebel - Chiddy Bang Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Rebel de Chiddy Bang

Rebel est une chanson de Chiddy Bang pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés le lundi 14 février 2011.

Les paroles de Rebel ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est possible qu'il y ait toujours des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Vous pouvez regarder le clip de Chiddy Bang avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Drow has it and peers, ... meet me at the peers
The flow cunning edge all I'm missing is some cheers
I got the game mirrored and it's closer than a pierce
And most of you are local to you artists step in here
Wow, ... flow hocus pocus, you playing bing round and then we're flying like the lotus
I'm an energizer, an enterpriser as know the real bit's on the synthesizer
Ok, god, you wanna play god, it's always sunny in philly they see some great skies
Thank the love for my precious like I was baptized
Got the blackest thought shout to my reptize, yeah
And it's the flow for the stadium, ..they call me ..., you probably heard me on radio one
This my claws, connected like coordinates, we are not the same homie, you are my subordinate

You know it ain't go, no I don't think so, you got a red light to your head that's why you think slow
Every action flow, another level well, and if you're feeling me then let me ...your level...
Cause he's a rebel

Shout to the labels that doubted me, now they out for me married to this shit
Now I feel like I need a gallery
Purple plains that we had ...smell of flowers be crushing the competition
Cause cowardice is cowardly I'm moving on son, now I'm the bomb son
If you don't like me then you probably on the wrong one
And miss the music that be dying in here, was the africa but I never seen the lions and bears
Now I'm riding them where, and I'm flying the car, my life is ...when you said I wasn't a star
I be collecting and rapping these artists are so upsetting
...flow, I rush day all get to stepping,
Oh, feel like I'm good but the sun is evil, flow shit like adam sandler ... funny people
And I should carry needles, cause they cut too lethal
And I'm after my bars, you're just an ...

You know it ain't go, no I don't think so, you got a red light to your head that's why you think slow
Every action flow, another level well, and if you're feeling me then let me ...your level...
Cause he's a rebel.

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