Run This World - Jennifer Lopez Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Run This World de Jennifer Lopez

Run This World est une chanson extraite de l'album Love? de Jennifer Lopez sorti en 2011.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées le mardi 21 septembre 2010.

Les paroles de Run This World ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est possible qu'il y ait encore des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip de Run This World est disponible ci-dessous.

We got it locked. They know, that Whenever we around it goes down like Draino, and it's nothing to spend these pesos, and you will never see us [...] low low.
[...] ain't nothing greater, hanging out the window straight busting at you love haters

Bonny & Clyde,
No other girl will ever ride like I ride
That's why you need me on your passenger side,
Let me help you get that paper.
Hanging out the window busting at them love haters.
Me and you,
I'm the closest you'll ever be to truth.
There's never a question of what I'll do
Uh huh for you.
With me you'll never loose.

So, Call on your girl that can hold you right
I'll be your protector I'll never forget you.
You need somebody that can hold you tight.
I'll be in your arm love
Keep you out of harm boy.
I'll be your anything, everything
Rockin' roll with you.
If things get to hot out in the cold with you.
Froze Froze with you.
Me and you together Our love could run the world(uh,oh)(uh,oh)
Run the world (Uh,oh)(Uh,Oh)
Our love could run the world (uh,oh)(uh,oh)
Run the world (uh,oh)(uh,oh)
Our loved could run the world.
I'll be your anything everything rockin roll with you
If things get to hot I'm in the cold with you,
Froze, Froze with you
Me and you together our love could run the world.

(Rose! Yeah)
The range rover sitting lower than the ?
Let me know who make it rain more
Me or the lord.
I gotta schedule like I'm unemployed
Shaking dice at the table baby go ahead and blow it.
You can't ignore it your whole body getting explored.
Top to bottom I'm reproducing your deepest thoughts.
Lay off the leash the second week I lease the Porsche
Let down the top and hit the beach a future divorce.


Hit me on my cell better be talking them dollars
The boss ball park resemble the dodgers,
I never dodge a thing except for the Chargers.
Embarrassed by the rubber bands
My ex would of charged it.
Got it popping so everybody be watching them.
Exotic watches you know my lady be popping them
Her girlfriends party like Cyndi Lauper now.
Rose! Time to lock her down.


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Les autres paroles de l'album Love?

Genre : International | Major : Universal | Label : Mercury
Pochette de Love?
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