Snake - Audio Bullys Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Snake de Audio Bullys

Snake est une chanson de Audio Bullys pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en 2009.

Les paroles de Snake ont été relues et mises en page, cependant, il est fort probable qu'elles contiennent encore des fautes. N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail.

Le clip de Snake est disponible ci-dessous.

Got this feeling in my head
It won't go away, no

Got this feeling in my head
It won't go away, no
Got this feeling in my head
It won't go away, no

I keep on tryin'
To make it up to you, and I would be lying
To play a game with you so I just keep walking
Not thinking it all through or even talking
To people about you

Got this feeling in my head
It won't go away, no
Got this feeling in my bed
When I start the thing up
Got this feeling in my brain
I wish it would guh-o
Sometimes I just feel insane
I deal with the pain though

I keep on tryin'
To make it up to you, and I would be lyin'
To play a game with you so I just keep walkin'
Not thinkin' it all through or even talkin'
To people about you

From start to cold, new to old, brave to bold, paid to sold
Fresh to crust, still to rust, sure to must, Skin to dust
Gas to fire, phone to wire, played to hire, claim to flier
Head to hat, tape to that, tells a cat, snares a slack
Red to pink, plate to zinc smells a stink, edge to brink
Paid to waltz, shops the malls, tops the talls, pops the collars
Stomps it out, puff to pout, in to out, rain to drought
Shout to scream, sleep to dream, split to seam, unless you want me

Got this feeling in my head
It won't go away, no
Got this feeling in my bed
When I start the thing up
Got this feeling in my head
It won't go away, no
Got this feeling in my bed
When I start the thing up

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Le clip vidéo de Snake
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