Stand and Deliver - No Doubt Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Stand and Deliver de No Doubt

Stand and Deliver est une chanson de No Doubt pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en 2009.

Les paroles de Stand and Deliver ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est possible que se dissimulent toujours des fautes. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip vidéo de Stand and Deliver est disponible ci-dessous.

I'm the dandy highwayman who you're too scared to mention
I spend my cash on looking flash and grabbing your attention
The devil take your stereo and your record collection!
The way you look you'll qualify for next year's old age pension!

Stand and deliver your money or your life!
Try and use a mirror no bullet or a knife!

I'm the dandy highwayman so sick of easy fashion
The clumsy boots, peek-a-boo roots that people think so dashing
So what's the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking?
It's kind of tough to tell a scruff the big mistake he's making

Stand and deliver your money or your life!
Try and use a mirror no bullet or a knife!

And even though you fool your souls
Your conscience will be mine
All mine

We're the dandy highwaymen so tired of excuses
Paroles trouvées sur
Of deep meaning philosophies where only showbiz loses
We're the dandy highwaymen and here's our invitation
"throw your safety overboard and join our insect nation"

Stand and deliver your money or your life!
Try and use a mirror no bullet or a knife!

And even though you fool your souls
Your conscience will be mine, all mine

Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa

Stand and deliver your money or your life!
Stand and deliver your money or your life!

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