Styrofoam - Kesha Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Styrofoam de Kesha

Styrofoam est une chanson de Kesha pour laquelle les paroles sont présentes depuis le 02/04/2010.

Les paroles de Styrofoam ont été relues et mises en page autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est fort probable qu'elles contiennent toujours des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Kesha avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

I'm jut not my self today
Ive been thinkin way to hard
My cigarette burns down so fast
Is nothing permanent

Ive been tryin to figure out
Your love is like what it's about
What my foot is always in my mouth
Is nothing permanent

I'm freaking out, im feeling stuck
I tell myself to lighten up!

Only Styrofoam lasts forever
Only styrofoam

Even you and I cant keep
stayin up all night we need some sleep
It's nothing personal
(nothing personal)
Nothing's permanent

My hair color, my favorite band
(The Rolling Stones)
The tatto, thank God I didnt get
That night i swore Id never drink again
Well, nothings permanent

I cant worry about the problems
Thats done so put it to rest
(whats done is done)

Only Styrofoam lasts forever
Only styrofoam

In ten years, who will know?
Who will care bout that plane
With that guy, what's his name?
I don't know
In ten years .. Britney Spears
Britney ... who??

Only Styrofoam lasts forever
Only styrofoam

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Le clip vidéo de Styrofoam
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