The Reckoning - Needtobreathe Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de The Reckoning de Needtobreathe

The Reckoning est une chanson de Needtobreathe pour laquelle les paroles ont été ajoutées en 2011.

Les paroles de The Reckoning ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort possible que se cachent toujours des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Vous pouvez regarder le clip de Needtobreathe avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Goin to California
Suitcase in my hand
Never run away a boy
When you can walk away a man

Pride it comes to find you
In your hopes and in your dreams
Like a thief who tells his lover
He's got one last thing.

Cause I can see the shadows
At the foot of my door
I can see the faces
They don't doubt us anymore
I can see it coming
I pray I don't go blind
In the middle of our reckoning time

Easy is a refuge
And it's an easy place to be
But when the sun shines on us
What will the whole world think

Cause I can see the shadows
At the foot of my door
I can see the faces
They don't doubt us anymore
I can see it coming
I pray I don't go blind
In the middle of our reckoning time

The nature of the broken
Spirit of the chosen
We stand alone
A journey through the purpose
The weight of when it's worthless
The words don't show
In the middle of our reckoning time

Goin' to California
Suitcase in my hand
Never run away a boy
When you can walk away a man

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