The Truth - Kris Allen Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de The Truth de Kris Allen

The Truth est une chanson de Kris Allen pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en 2010.

Les paroles de The Truth ont été relues et mises en page autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est possible que se dissimulent toujours des fautes. N'hésitez pas à me prévenir par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Kris Allen avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Lyin' next to you
Wishing I could disappear, hey
Let you fall asleep
And vanish out into thin air, hey

It's the elephant in the room
And we pretend that we don't see it
It's the avalanche that looms
Above our heads, but we don't believe it

Tryin' to be perfect
Tryin' not to let you down, yeah
Honesty is honestly
The hardest thing for me right now, yeah

While the floors underneath our feet are crumblin'
The walls we built together tumblin'
I still stand here holdin' up the roof
'Cause it's easier than telling the truth

I still keep your photographs
I remember how we used to laugh
I can keep on losin' sleep
If you're okay with being torn in half

It's the elephant in the room
And we pretend that we don't see it
It's an avalanche that looms
Above our heads but we don't believe it

Tryin' to be perfect
Tryin' not to let you down, yeah
Honesty is honestly
The hardest thing for me right now, yeah

While the floors underneath our feet are crumblin'
The walls we built together tumblin'
I still stand here holdin' up the roof
'Cause it's easier than telling the truth

Stop ignoring that our hearts are mourning
And let the rain come in
Stop pretending that it's not ending
And let the end begin, oh yeah

Tryin' to be perfect,
Tryin' not to let you down, yeah
Honesty is honestly
The hardest thing for me right now, yeah

While the floors underneath our feet are crumblin'
The walls we built together tumblin'
I still stand here holdin' up the roof
'Cause it's easier than telling the truth

It's easier than telling the truth
Lyin' next to you
Wishing I could disappear, hey
Let you fall asleep

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