Took My Love - Pitbull et Red Foo et Vein et David Rush Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Took My Love de Pitbull, Red Foo, Vein, David Rush

Pitbull, Red Foo, Vein, David Rush vous proposent Took My Love, le single extraite de son album Planet Pit.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées le 10/07/2012.

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Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Pitbull, Red Foo, Vein, David Rush avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Mr worldwide

You took my love, I thought I was the only one
You took my love, it feels like you did it for fun
You took my love, but my heart keeps telling me you're the one
You took my love, took my love

Loquita, I don't play you, you know what time it is with me
You want my heart, you got to work
Now show me you'd ride up there for me
I can see right through your eyes, and I know what you tryin to do
You tryin to rob, steal, take my love, wel f*ck you

Take my love, ha ha, not a woman on earth that can do that
Say what, I don't know where you from, or where you been at
I'm letting you know what's up, and if you don't know, play by the rules
Or baby, you get cut, I talked so much, you took my love,f*ck

You took my love, I thought I was the only one
You took my love, it feels like you did it for fun
You took my love, but my heart keeps telling me you're the one
You took my love, took my love

Yo, I'm in the club, and the place is poppin
Seen a sit in bar, and her face is knockin
Times are great, cuz I'm with my crew
But my smile was fake, cuz I'm missing you

Baby you know that I didn't learn my lesson
Shoulda gave you more time, more love and affection
And when I see you later with that other guy
Keep telling myself that a player ain't suppose to cry

You took my love, I thought I was the only one
You took my love, it feels like you did it for fun
You took my love, but my heart keeps telling me you're the one
You took my love, took my love

She took my love, and played me for a sucker
But it don't even matter, cuz you know I still love her
She took my heart, and threw it on the ground
But it don't even matter, cuz I still want her around

She's such a love taker, she's such a love taker
It's guaranteed that she's a professional heartbreaker
But a great lovemaker, all in a sheet
She made my heart skipped a beat
But for now she's a close as it comes
Not mags, no life and no guns
She took my love

You took my love, I thought I was the only one
You took my love, it feels like you did it for fun
You took my love, but my heart keeps telling me you're the one
You took my love, took my love

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Le clip vidéo de Took My Love
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Les autres paroles de l'album Planet Pit

Genre : Rap, Hip Hop international | Major : Sony-BMG | Label : Mr.305 / Polo Grounds Music / J Records
Pochette de Planet Pit

Autres singles de David Rush

  1. Driving Around
  2. She Ain't You

Autres singles de Red Foo

  1. Let’'s Get Ridiculous

Autres singles de Vein

  1. Thank You
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