Truth or Dare - Shakira Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Truth or Dare de Shakira

Truth or Dare est une chanson de Shakira pour laquelle les paroles sont ici depuis le 09/07/2012.

Les paroles de Truth or Dare ont été relues et mises en page autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est probable que se cachent encore des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

How dare you....
How dare, how dare you.

How dare to you to be there,
Just watching when everybody is having a blast.
Wavesounds, spiralling
Nobody is watching so just take me out.

I wanna see you, I wanna feel you
Because I heard that you like to watch
But tonight, it's the night, come closer, come closer
Lets take a step in the wildside.

Starlighting and shining
It's truth or dare on the dance floor
The time is now, it feels so right
Everybody is watching
It's truth or dare on the dancefloor.

Truth or dare on the dancefloor, I dare you to kiss me.

The night is so young and the moon is so bright
The lights are off and I'm feeeling wild.
Don-t take my home after the midnight tonight
I'm cinderella dn you my bright shining armor knight.

I dare you, I dare you, I dare you... I dare you to kiss me.

(those hips are sick miss...hit the dancefloor Mr. Red One, Afrojack)

Starlighting and shining
It's truth or dare on the dance floor
The time is now, it feels so right
Everybody is watching
It's truth or dare on the dancefloor.

Starlighting and shining
It's truth or dare on the dance floor
The time is now, it feels so right
Everybody is watching
It's truth or dare on the dancefloor.

On the dancefloor.
On the dancefloor.

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
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