Turnt Up - Chris Brown Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Turnt Up de Chris Brown

Turnt Up est une chanson de Chris Brown pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en février 2010.

Les paroles de Turnt Up ont été relues et mises en page autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est fort probable qu'elles contiennent toujours des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Chris Brown avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

This beat got turnt up music.
Have you checked your levels?
Go ahead and jump into it.
Feel it in your system.
You see this this turnt up music got ya on the edge.
Step the fuck off that buiding don’t stand on the ledge.
Now it feel it.
Its time to kick it, swagga tuned up to 10 now that’s chillen’.

I think I’m bout to go hard tonight.
I think I’m bout to go hard tonight. Yeah.
Won’t wit it, get it I’m living.
So I’m bouncing off the walls.
You should know that I’m like a radio, I’m turnt up everywhere I go.

Tryna get get on the level with the music
Turnt up yeah.
I’ve been drinking a little bit.
So you can tell that I’m feeling it.
Ain’t no turning me down.
‘Cuz I’m way to turnt up now.
Just like the music.

It’s time to (?)
Go and back it up
While out in this club. Yeah
DJ can’t hear no music.
Cus you fine as ever.
Girl take it to the floor.

Tryna get get on the level with the music
Turnt up yeah.
I’ve been drinking a little bit.
So you can tell that I’m feeling it.
Ain’t no turning me down.
‘Cuz I’m way to turnt up now.
Just like the music.

I wanna see you turnt up, turnt up turnt turnt up.
I wanna see you turnt up turnt up. (She a fool with it.)
I wanna see you turnt up, turnt up turnt turnt up.
I wanna see you turnt up turnt up. (Know what to do wit it.)

Tryna get get on the level with the music
Turnt up yeah.
I’ve been drinking a little bit.
So you can tell that I’m feeling it.
Ain’t no turning me down.
‘Cuz I’m way to turnt up now.
Just like the music.

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