Wanted - Jessie J Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Wanted de Jessie J

Wanted est une chanson de Jessie J pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés le 23 mai 2009.

Les paroles de Wanted ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est possible qu'elles contiennent toujours des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail.

Vous pouvez regarder le clip de Jessie J avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Hoo hoo hoo..

I wanna lie in my bed
And do nothing
I don’t care what anyone says
I got you on my mind
Thinking about one thing
Gonna show you how I do it best

Put my lips on your mouth
Keep you comin around
Cus I like it
Put your hands on my hips
Take me down
Sink this ship
Boy I can’t resist

I wanna wear my hair up in a mess
Cut off jeans, can you get with that?
Give you something like you’ve never had
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you
I wanna tease you till you’re begging me
And you’re on your knees
And its hard to breathe
And every other time is just a memory
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you

Those other guys when they call
I might answer
But you’re the one I’m thinking bout
So baby don’t disappoint
Just move faster
And show me what you’re feeling now

Put your lips on my mouth
Keep you comin around
Cus I like it
Nothings wrong
It’s so right
Got permission from me tonight
So turn off the lights

I wanna wear my hair up in a mess
Cut off jeans, can you get with that?
Give you something like you’ve never had
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you
I wanna tease you till you’re begging me
And you’re on your knees
And it’s hard to breathe
And every other time is just a memory
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you

Now I’m going crazy
I’m tired of waiting
My lips are on fire
I just want you to know
I’m losing my patience
For the time that you’ve wasted

Put your lips on my mouth
Put your lips on my mouth
Put your lips on my..

I wanna wear my hair up in a mess
Cut off jeans, can you get with that?
Give you something like you’ve never had
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you
I wanna tease you till you’re begging me
And you’re on your knees
And it’s hard to breathe
And every other time is just a memory
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you

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