Drive - Miley Cyrus Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Drive de Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus vous propose les paroles de Drive, le single extraite de son album Bangerz.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées en 2013.

Les paroles de Drive ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort possible que se dissimulent toujours des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Drive my heart into the night
You could drop the keys off in the morning
I don't want to leave home
Without your love
Without it

You told me that you wanted this
I told you it was all yours
If you're done with it, then
What'd you say forever for
If forever is out the door
I'll ignore when you call


You told me you were coming back, right back
You promised it was real and I believe that
But if I fall for it again, I would be a fool
If our love is at the end, then why do I still want you
But I guess I got no valentine
Send me roses, I just let 'em die
I was crazy thinking you were mine
It was all just a lie


I always knew I never wanted this
I never thought it could happen
You acted like you wanted this,
But then you let me off
I thought you would be there when I go
You promised you would be there when I go
But all broken promises I won't miss
When I look you in the eyes, all I see are the lies
Been there done that


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Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de Drive

Les autres paroles de l'album Bangerz

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : Sony-BMG | Label : RCA
Pochette de Bangerz
Liens pour les lyrics de Drive
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