Don't Change At All - Jason Mraz Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Don't Change At All de Jason Mraz

Don't Change At All est une chanson de Jason Mraz pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en 2010.

Les paroles de Don't Change At All ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est possible qu'elles contiennent encore des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Le clip de Don't Change At All est disponible ci-dessous.

Girls like you are supposed to cry
To keep the seas from drying
To keep the flowers sprouting year round
And girls like you are the reason why
Guys like me still like to call themselves
Chival and cavalier

So don't change at all i am not your call
And I'm not that far from falling in love
With who you are
I could get lost in this
Forgetting what caution is
I will be your gentleman

And girls like you are a little off
To keep the rising cost of being normal down
So prepare for all these freedoms that we've found
And a girl like you is just a case
Dressed for space in your giant pair of shades
And your best can't be worn on any on earth

Don't change too much I haven't had quite enough
I wanna get tangled up in the story now
I could get lost in this forgetting what caution is
I will be your gentleman
I will be gentlemanly

You don't even know how you're striking me girl
Though I ran and backed you down
Now when I turned around

You give me something more
You give me something more

So don't change at all I am not your call
And I'm not that far from falling in love with who you are
I could get lost in this forgetting what caution is
I wanna be your gentleman

So don't change for me you're astonishing
I wanna get tangled up let's get tangled up
I could get lost in this forgetting what caution is
I wanna be your gentleman and I will be

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