How Did You Know - Jedward Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de How Did You Know de Jedward

How Did You Know est une chanson de Jedward pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés le 26/10/2012.

Les paroles de How Did You Know ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort probable qu'il y ait toujours des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à me prévenir par mail.

Le clip vidéo de How Did You Know est disponible ci-dessous.

You said,
I'd be back here standing,
At your doorstep,
Well, here I am,
In the middle of night,
Saying I was wrong,
Saying you were right

You called it,
Like you saw it,
Knew what I wanted,
But I still fought it,
Well, here I am,
I couldn't stay gone,
And there's that smile,
Seems that didn't take long

How did you know that I,
I wouldn't last a minute,
That I would be so lost without you,
That this life,
Wouldn't mean a thing without you in it,
And I'd come running back to you,
How did you know?
How did you know?

I thought that it would be so easy,
To keep on driving and not look back,
Or turn around,
I made up my mind,
Had it all figured out,

How did you know that I,
I wouldn't last a minute,
That I would be so lost without you,
That this life,
Wouldn't mean a thing without you in it,
And I'd come running back to you,
How did you know?

How did you know that I,
I wouldn't last a minute,
That I would be so lost without you,
That this life,
Wouldn't mean a thing without you in it,
And I'd come running back to you,
How did you know?

How did you know that I,
I wouldn't last a minute,
That I would be so lost without you,
That this life,
Wouldn't mean a thing without you in it,
And I'd come running back to you,
How did you know?
How did you know?

How did you know?
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
How did you know?

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