Happens In The Dark - Jedward Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Happens In The Dark de Jedward

Happens In The Dark est une chanson de Jedward pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés le 15 mars 2013.

Les paroles de Happens In The Dark ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort probable qu'elles contiennent toujours des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Le clip de Happens In The Dark est disponible ci-dessous.

Can't let you go, walk out the door,
Can't hold you out, when I want more,
When I am down, you make it right
When I am stupid, you take in my side.
And when I cry, you make me smile,
When I am crazy and out of my mind,
You hold me tight, won't let me go,
Oh baby this time I know for sure...

This is tonight, it's tonight it's tonight it's for real
Can you tell what I'm thinking, see what I see,
Feel my pulse yeah, beating so hard,
What's happens tonight girl, happens in the dark.
It's tonight, it's tonight can't you see?
Turn the lights out, it's just you and me,
Feel my pulse yeah, beating so hard,
What happens tonight girl, happens in the dark.

When I'm with you, I feel secure,
When I'm alone, I don't feel whole,
You've got my heart, if that's alright,
You kept me warm, all this time.
It must be love, one of a kind,
I would be crazy for leaving your side,
If you just stay, I'll show the way,
Cause baby this time I know for sure...


This is tonight, the night, tonight is for real,
We're so right, so right, so good can you see?
This is tonight, the night, tonight is for real
Can you tell what I'm thinking, tell what I'm thinking...


What happens tonight girl, happens in the dark,
What happens tonight girl, happens in the dark

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