Now - Paramore Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Now de Paramore

Now est une chanson de Paramore pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en janvier 2013.

Les paroles de Now ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est possible qu'il y ait toujours des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip de Now est disponible ci-dessous.

Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me now
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me now

Feels like I'm waking from the dead and everyone's been waiting on me
'Least now I'll never have to wonder what it's like to sleep a year away
But weren't we indestructible? I thought that we could brave it all
I never thought that what would take me out was hiding down below

Lost the battle, win the war
I'm bringing my sinking ship back to the shore
Starting over, head back in
There's a time and a place to die but this isn't it

If there's a future, we want it now
If there's a future, we want it now
If there's a future, we want it now
If there's a future, we want it now

Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me now
Don't try to take this from me
Don't try to take this from me now

Wish I could find a crystal ball for the days I feel completely worthless
You know I'd use it all for good, I would not take it for granted
Instead, I'd have some memories for the days I don't feel anything
At least, they would remind me not to make the same mistakes again

Lost the battle, win the war
I'm bringing my sinking ship back to the shore
Starting over, head back in
There's a time and a place to die but this isn't it

If there's a future, we want it now
If there's a future, we want it now
If there's a future, we want it now
If there's a future, we want it now

There's a time and a place to die
And this isn't it

If there's a future, we want it now
If there's a future, we want it now
If there's a future, we want it now
If there's a future, we want it now

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