Samson - VV Brown Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Samson de VV Brown

Samson est une chanson de VV Brown pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en 2013.

Les paroles de Samson ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est probable qu'elles contiennent encore des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip de Samson est disponible ci-dessous.

Samson, I told you
To stay far away and just slick your body right
Delilah, she tricked him
And took all his strength and turned him into the light
He's lost now, so lost now
Everything he stood for has come into the light

Oh my God, what I'd give if I just had enough (just had enough)
Hold her tight, grab a sword, I'll get you
Oh my God, what I'd give if I just had enough (just had enough)
What you waiting for? What you waiting for? What you waiting for?
Get up and rise!

Build up your power
And pull down those buildings and make your body right
Delilah, she cut off your hair
But it's nothing your gaining
You're fighting light, fighting light, fight light

Oh my God, what I'd give if I just had enough (just had enough)
Hold her tight, grab a sword, I'll get you
Oh my God, what I'd give if I just had enough (just had enough)
What you waiting for? What you waiting for? What you waiting for?
Get up and rise!

You've been deceived by the one who's the love of your life
And it has changed, now you're strong so just get up and rise

Oh my God, what I'd give if I just had enough (just had enough)
Hold her tight, grab a sword, I'll get you
Oh my God, what I'd give if I just had enough (just had enough)
What you waiting for? What you waiting for? What you waiting for?
Get up and rise!

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