Sure Feels Right - Jake Owen Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Sure Feels Right de Jake Owen

Sure Feels Right est une chanson de Jake Owen pour laquelle les paroles sont présentes depuis décembre 2013.

Les paroles de Sure Feels Right ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort possible qu'elles contiennent toujours des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Vous pouvez regarder le clip de Jake Owen avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

I've always had a thing for girls that dance
When they get a little tipsy
Corona cold in your hand, your brushed back hair
I took another sip of whiskey
And I didn't let the ice cubes melt in the bottom of my plastic cup

And I said hey pretty girl you wanna get out of here?
And you looked up
Looking in your big blue eyes
Laying there that night

I said this sure feels dangerous to me
It feels like a struck match kissing gasoline
It feels a little better than it ever has
It sure feels good, baby let's be bad
I feel your heart, I feel you there
I feel a little brave, I feel a little scared tonight
But it sure feels right

Well then the sunrise hit the window
And there you were
In my Alabama t-shirt
I fly where angels sleep like a dream
You got me thinking 'bout those 3 words
And I didn't sneak off like I done so many times before

And you opened up your eyes and gave me a kiss
I said give me one more
And in those twisted covers
We'll be more than lovers

And you said this sure feels dangerous to me
It feels like a struck match kissing gasoline
It feels a little better than it ever has
It sure feels good, baby let's be bad
I feel your heart, I feel you there
I feel a little brave, I feel a little scared in the morning light
And it sure feels right

It sure feels right

It sure feels dangerous to me
It feels like a struck match kissing gasoline
It feels a little better than it ever has
It sure feels good, baby let's be bad
I feel your heart, I feel you there
I feel a little brave, I feel a little scared tonight
And it sure feels right

And it sure feels right
And it sure feels right
And it sure feels right

Live big wide when we go out tonight
And relive that time
Corona cold in your hand, your brushed back hair
I'll sip on my whiskey
You know I always had a thing for girls that dance
When they get a little tipsy

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