Who'd Have Known - Lily Allen Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Who'd Have Known de Lily Allen

Lily Allen vous propose d'écouter Who'd Have Known, la chanson de son album It's Not Me, It's You.
Les paroles sont présentes depuis le 24/10/2009.

Les paroles de Who'd Have Known ont été relues et mises en page, cependant, il est fort possible qu'elles contiennent toujours des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip vidéo de Who'd Have Known est disponible ci-dessous.

It’s 5 o’clock in the morning
The conversation got boring
You said you were going to bed soon
So I snuck off to your bedroom
And I thought I’d just wait there
Until I heard you come up the stairs
And I pretended I was sleeping
And I was hoping you would creep in with me

You put your arm around my shoulder
And it was good the room got colder
And we moved closer in together
And started talking about the weather
You said tomorrow would be fun
And we could watch a place in the sun
I didn’t know where this was going
When you kissed me

Are you mine?
Are you mine?
Cause I stay here all the time
Watching telly, drinking wine

Who’d have known?
Who’d have known?
When you flash up on my phone
I no longer feel alone
No longer feel alone

I haven’t left you for days now
And I’m becoming amazed how
You’re quite affectionate in public
In fact your friend said it made her feel sick
And even though it’s moving forward
There’s just the right amount of awkward
And today you accidentally called me baby

Are you mine?
Are you mine?
Cause I stay here all the time
Watching telly, drinking wine

Who’d have known?
Who’d have known?
When you flash up on my phone
I no longer feel alone

Let’s just stay
Let’s just stay
I wanna lie in bed all day
We’ll be laughing all the way
You told your friends they all know
We exist but we’re taking it slow
Let’s just see how it goes
Let’s see how it goes

Are you mine?
Are you mine?
Cause I stay here all the time
Watching telly, drinking wine

Who’d have known?
Who’d have known?
When you flash up on my phone
I no longer feel alone

Let’s just stay
Let’s just stay
I wanna lie in bed all day
We’ll be laughing all the way
You told your friends they all know
We exist but we’re taking it slow
Let’s just see how it goes
Let’s see how it goes

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Le clip vidéo de Who'd Have Known
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de Who'd Have Known

Les autres paroles de l'album It's Not Me, It's You

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : Warner
Pochette de It's Not Me, It's You
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